Join Us
- Category: Join Us
Once the membership fee of $10 is paid, from 1 July 2020 onward, no further membership fee need be paid to remain a member!
You can join by simple direct deposit.
DIRECT DEPOSIT (Please write your name on the deposit form so we know who it came from!)
BSB 484-799
A/c 605 400 520
- Category: Join Us
Join or renew here - and it's still just $10 p.a.!
You can download an application form here
And a renewal form here.
You can join by making a direct deposit:
(Please write your name on the deposit form so we know who it came from!)
BSB 484-799
A/c 605 400 520
You can find a new membership application here.
And a renewal form here
Please fill in this form so we can send you a welcome kit!