Green Hills works in partnership with community, government and business to protect the rural integrity and character of the Maleny District endeavouring to preserve the town's history as an existing service town to farming community.
Who Are Maleny & District Green Hills?
Initiated by Dr. Greg Wren of Maleny with the support of a group of concerned citizens sharing his vision Green Hills was first registered as a Public Company Limited by Guarantee under Queensland Corporation Law in December 1995. Listed on the Australian Government Register of Environmental Organisations which entitles contributors to full tax deductibility on donations to the Gift Fund which has its own Trustees. Green Hills Exists To:
To maintain and preserve the rural and visual charm of the Maleny District for Maleny lovers while protecting the interests of Maleny residents & landowners.
To protect and preserve the environment.
To act as trustees of lands which owners wish to protect for the future
To raise funds from donations
Bequests and fund-raising activities to purchase, protect and manage significant private land.
To encourage private individuals and other groups in the preservation of Maleny land.
To research and disseminate information relevant to land usage in the Maleny District.